Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Let me introduce myself

Well as my profile tells you I am a wife (to Nathan - who is a campus pastor part of Newcastle CLC and also works in the volunteer sector), a mum to two of the world's most gorgeous (and strong willed) boys that God ever thought up , I am a campus pastor, alongside my husband, as part of a great church (www.mynclc.co.uk) under incredible leadership and I'm also a journalist for a daily newspaper. An interesting combo!

Why the blog? It's quite simple really. A little bit of it comes from creative frustration - I love to write but spend way too much time social networking - this will probably quench some of that. The biggest reason though is borne out of pastoral frustration. It's the tension of being the seemingly strong woman leader alongside the regular (more often irregular) girl who does normal mummy things tackling life alongside everybody else.

If I have heard once - I've heard it a million times, "But you're so strong Linz." Pah - ask my husband... by rights I should have a saline deficiency given the inordinate amount of time I spend crying. Neither have I a shortage of reasons to bow out, duck out, give up or chill out. I am a working mum. The thing is... I got saved. I got absolutely, unequivocally changed by surrendering myself to Christ (first at 12 and properly at 19) and was utterly transformed by Jesus. And in getting to know the head of it all - I fell in love with the body. I cannot tell you how much I love the Church. Being a part of it fills me with purpose and passion.

And so this will be my blog. It will centre around my domestic chaos, my marriage, my position as a leader, my place as a servant in our church and in His kingdom and my absolute love for the Church.

I'm just an ordinary gal, in a very ordinary house, surrounded by very ordinary people - people who when collected form the extraordinary organisation called the Church - which when functioning as it should sustains the transformed and transforms the lost.

Welcome to the purpose driven wife.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lindsay! Looking forward to reading this blog in the future! Nice One!
